
Yixing Zhenhua Electronic Ceramics Co., Ltd.
1 type (c
3 type (K
N type
Ceramic dr...
Colored po...
Porcelain ...
Enamelled resistor body
Hot pressing type: lamp c
Mounting ceramic parts fo
Ignition cable switch, no
Physical properties and c...
Mounting ceramics
Polishing abrasive
Porcelain ball, lining
Dry pressing materials
Calcined cooked talc
95 ceramic renewable mate

  Product name:Enamelled resistor body

Hot press molding and extrusion pressing enamelled resistor body, including 75 porcelain and refractory porcelain.

Main specification and dimension

RX20 2.5W 26±1.5 11.2±0.6 4±0.4 9±0.5
7.5W 35±1.5 12.7±0.6 5.5±0.4 9±0.5
10W 41±1.5 12.7±0.6 5.5±0.4 9±0.5
15W 45±1.5 15.2±0.6 8±0.6 9±0.5
20W 51±2 15.2±0.6 8±0.6 9±0.5
25W 51±2 19.2±0.8 12±0.8 9±0.5
30W 71±2.2 19.6±0.8 12±0.8 9±0.5
40W 87±2.2 19.6±0.8 12±0.8 9±0.5
50W 91±2.4 27.6±1.0 20±1.0 11±0.5
75W 140±3.2 27.6±1.0 20±1.0 11±0.5
100W 170±3.5 27.6±1.0 20±1.0 11±0.5